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- Date: Tue, 15 Mar 94 19:35:11 PST
- From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup <info-hams@ucsd.edu>
- Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu
- Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu
- Precedence: Bulk
- Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #292
- To: Info-Hams
- Info-Hams Digest Tue, 15 Mar 94 Volume 94 : Issue 292
- Today's Topics:
- Best truck/sport util for HF/VHF?
- Guide to the Personal Radio Newsgroups
- Icom 737 CW Filter Switching Mod.
- Macintosh Amateur Radio Software - January 1994
- need extra class book and tape recommendation
- noise blankers (3 msgs)
- subscribe
- Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu>
- Send subscription requests to: <Info-Hams-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
- Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
- Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available
- (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams".
- We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
- herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
- policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 15 Mar 1994 15:00:30 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!mvb.saic.com!news.cerf.net!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!noc.near.net!jericho.mc.com!fugu!levine@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Best truck/sport util for HF/VHF?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article 94Mar14114117@medea.bbn.com, levin@bbn.com (Joel B Levin) writes:
- -->In article <1994Mar14.141940.2305@ke4zv.atl.ga.us> gary@ke4zv.atl.ga.us (Gary Coffman) writes:
- --> Well if it's a sport utility that you want, the Jeep Cherokee or Jeep
- --> Comanche pickup are hard to beat. . . .
- -->
- -->Without commenting on their suitability for radio (and I know at least
- -->one person who has had a large HF station in a Jeep), in this part of
- -->the country (Northern New England) used Jeeps have been known as cars
- -->to avoid due to the amount of rust they develop. This is not an issue
- -->in the southwest, and I doubt they use much salt on the roads in the
- -->Atlanta area. Your mileage (sorry) may vary.
- -->
- --> /JBL KD1ON
- I have used a TS440 and an ICOM 2400 dual bander in a full sized
- 1987 GMC Blazer with no problems of vehicle generated RFI. The
- output on 2m was 170w and the 440 output was 130w. No effect on
- the vehicle systems noticed either. Same with the 100w HF TS440.
- I have installed a TS50 and an ICOM 2410 dual bander in a small
- sized 1991 S-15 Jimmy also with no vehicle generated RFI noticed
- either. No vehicle systems seem affected by the 2m, 440, or HF
- here.
- My connections to the battery are via the GMC battery accessory
- connectors that they showed in Dayton a few years age (and every
- year since). Makes the connections to the side mount battery
- terminals very easy.
- ---
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Bob Levine KD1GG 7J1AIS VK2GYN formerly KA1JFP
- levine@mc.com <--Internet email Phone(508) 256-1300 x247
- kd1gg@wa1phy.ma <--Packet Mail FAX(508) 256-3599
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 15 Mar 1994 12:01:57 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!wupost!crcnis1.unl.edu!news.unomaha.edu!news@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Guide to the Personal Radio Newsgroups
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Posted-By: auto-faq
- Archive-name: radio/personal-intro
- Revision: 1.5 12/18/93 14:15:53
- Changes: new mailing lists, .packet rmgroup, and .policy updates
- (Note: The following is reprinted with the permission of the author.)
- This message describes the rec.radio.amateur.*, rec.radio.cb, rec.radio.info,
- and rec.radio.swap newsgroups. It is intended to serve as a guide for the new
- reader on what to find where. Questions and comments may be directed to the
- author, Jay Maynard, K5ZC, by Internet electronic mail at
- jmaynard@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu. This message was last changed on 18 September
- 1993 to add the mailing lists for the new rec.radio.amateur newsgroups, to
- note the rmgroup of rec.radio.amateur.packet, and to officially retire some
- (in)famous threads of discussion on rec.radio.amateur.policy.
- History
- =======
- Way back when, before there was a Usenet, the Internet hosted a mailing list
- for hams, called (appropriately enough) INFO-HAMS. Ham radio discussions
- were held on the mailing list, and sent to the mailboxes of those who had
- signed up for it. When the Usenet software was created, and net news as we
- now know it was developed, a newsgroup was created for hams: net.ham-radio.
- The mailing list and the newsgroup were gatewayed together, eventually.
- As the net grew, and as packet radio came into vogue, packet discussion began
- to dominate other topics in the group and on the list. This resulted in the
- logical solution: a group was created to hold the packet discussion, and
- another corresponding mailing list was created as well: net.ham-radio.packet
- and PACKET-RADIO, respectively.
- These two groups served for several years, and went through Usenet's Great
- Renaming essentially unchanged, moving from net.ham-radio[.packet] to
- rec.ham-radio[.packet]. Readership and volume grew with the rest of the
- network.
- The INFO-HAMS mailing list was originally run from a US Army computer at
- White Sands Missile Range, SIMTEL20. There were few problems with this
- arrangement, but one was that the system was not supposed to be used for
- commercial purposes. Since one of hams' favorite pastimes is swapping
- gear, it was natural for hams to post messages about equipment for sale
- to INFO-HAMS/rec.ham-radio. This ran afoul of SIMTEL20's no-commercial-use
- restriction, and after some argument, a group was created specifically
- for messages like that: rec.ham-radio.swap. This group wasn't gatewayed to
- a mailing list, thus avoiding problems.
- While all this was happening, other folks wanted to discuss other aspects
- of the world of radio than the personal communications services. Those
- folks created the rec.radio.shortwave and rec.radio.noncomm newsgroups,
- and established the precedent of the rec.radio.* hierarchy, which in turn
- reflected Usenet's overall trend toward a hierarchical name structure.
- The debate between proponents of a no-code ham radio license and its opponents
- grew fierce and voluminous in late 1989 and 1990. Eventually, both sides grew
- weary of the debate, and those who had not been involved even more so. A
- proposal for a newsgroup dedicated to licensing issues failed. A later
- proposal was made for a group that would cover the many recurring legal issues
- discussions. During discussion of the latter proposal, it became clear that it
- would be desirable to fit the ham radio groups under the rec.radio.*
- hierarchy. A full-blown reorganization was passed by Usenet voters in January
- 1991, leading to the overall structure we now use.
- After the reorganization, more and more regular information postings began to
- appear, and were spread out across the various groups in rec.radio.*. Taking
- the successful example of the news.answers group, where informational postings
- from across the net are sent, the group rec.radio.info was created in
- December, 1992, with Mark Salyzyn, VE6MGS, initially serving as moderator.
- In January, 1993, many users started complaining about the volume in
- rec.radio.amateur.misc. This led to a discussion about a second
- reorganization, which sparked the creation of a mailing list by Ian Kluft,
- KD6EUI. This list, which was eventually joined by many of the most prolific
- posters to the ham radio groups, came up with a proposal to add 11 groups to
- the rec.radio.amateur hierarchy in April 1993. The subsequent vote, held in
- May and early June, approved the creation of five groups:
- rec.radio.amateur.digital.misc (to replace .packet), .equipment, .homebrew,
- .antenna, and .space.
- The Current Groups
- ==================
- I can hear you asking, "OK, so this is all neat history, but what does it
- have to do with me now?" The answer is that the history of each group has
- a direct bearing on what the group is used for, and what's considered
- appropriate where.
- The easy one is rec.radio.amateur.misc. It is what rec.ham-radio was renamed
- to during the reorganization. Any message that's not more appropriate in one
- of the other groups belongs here, from contesting to DX to ragchewing on VHF
- to information on becoming a ham.
- The group rec.radio.amateur.digital.misc is for discussions related to
- (surprise!) digital amateur radio. This doesn't have to be the common
- two-meter AX.25 variety of packet radio, either; some of the most
- knowledgeable folks in radio digital communications can be found here, and
- anything in the general area is welcome. The name was changed to emphasize
- this, and to encourage discussion not only of other text-based digital modes,
- such as AMTOR, RTTY, and Clover, but things like digital voice and video as
- well. The former group, rec.radio.amateur.packet, should be removed by
- September 21st, 1993. It is obsolete, and you should use .digital.misc
- instead (or the appropriate new mailing list, mentioned below). The group
- has .misc as part of the name to allow further specialization if the users
- wish it, such as .digital.tcp-ip.
- The swap group is now rec.radio.swap. This recognizes a fact that became
- evident shortly after the original group was formed: Hams don't just swap ham
- radio gear, and other folks besides hams swap ham equipment. If you have radio
- equipment, or test gear, or computer stuff that hams would be interested in,
- here's the place. Equipment wanted postings belong here too. Discussions about
- the equipment generally don't; if you wish to discuss a particular posting
- with the buyer, email is a much better way to do it, and the other groups,
- especially .equipment and .homebrew, are the place for public discussions.
- There is now a regular posting with information on how to go about buying and
- selling items in rec.radio.swap; please refer to it before you post there.
- The first reorganization added two groups to the list, one of which is
- rec.radio.amateur.policy. This group was created as a place for all the
- discussions that seem to drag on interminably about the many rules,
- regulations, legalities, and policies that surround amateur radio, both
- existing and proposed. Recent changes to the Amateur Radio Rules (FCC
- Part 97) have finally laid to rest the Great Usenet Pizza Autopatch Debate
- as well as complaints about now-preempted local scanner laws hostile to
- amateurs, but plenty of discussion about what a bunch of rotten no-goodniks
- the local frequency coordinating body is, as well as the neverending no-code
- debate, may still be found here.
- The other added group is rec.radio.cb. This is the place for all discussion
- about the Citizens' Band radio service. Such discussions have been very
- inflammatory in rec.ham-radio in the past; please do not cross-post to both
- rec.radio.cb and rec.radio.amateur.* unless the topic is genuinely of interest
- to both hams and CBers - and very few topics are.
- The rec.radio.info group is just what its name implies: it's the place where
- informational messages from across rec.radio.* may be found, regardless of
- where else they're posted. As of this writing, information posted to the group
- includes Cary Oler's daily solar progagation bulletins, ARRL bulletins, the
- Frequently Asked Questions files for the various groups, and radio
- modification instructions. This group is moderated, so you cannot post to it
- directly; if you try, even if your message is crossposted to one of the other
- groups, your message will be mailed to the moderator, who is currently Mark
- Salyzyn, VE6MGS. The email address for submissions to the group is
- rec-radio-info@ve6mgs.ampr.ab.ca. Inquires and other administrivia should be
- directed to rec-radio-request@ve6mgs.ampr.ab.ca. For more information about
- rec.radio.info, consult the introduction and posting guidelines that are
- regularly posted to that newsgroup.
- The groups rec.radio.amateur.antenna, .equipment, .homebrew, and .space are
- for more specialized areas of ham radio: discussions about antennas,
- commercially-made equipment, homebrewing, and amateur radio space operations.
- The .equipment group is not the place for buying or selling equipment; that's
- what rec.radio.swap is for. Similarly, the .space group is specifically about
- amateur radio in space, such as the OSCAR program and SAREX, the Shuttle
- Amateur Radio EXperiment; other groups cover other aspects of satellites and
- space. Homebrewing isn't about making your own alcoholic beverages at home
- (that's rec.crafts.brewing), but rather construction of radio and electronic
- equipment by the amateur experimenter.
- Except for rec.radio.swap and rec.radio.cb, all of these newsgroups are
- available by Internet electronic mail in digest format; send a mail message
- containing "help" on a line by itself to listserv@ucsd.edu for instructions
- on how to use the mail server.
- All of the groups can be posted to by electronic mail, though, by using a
- gateway at the University of Texas at Austin. To post a message this way,
- change the name of the group you wish to post to by replacing all of the '.'s
- with '-'s - for example, rec.radio.swap becomes rec-radio-swap - and send to
- that name@cs.utexas.edu (rec-radio-swap@cs.utexas.edu, for example). You may
- crosspost by including multiple addresses as Cc: entries (but see below). This
- gateway's continued availability is at the pleasure of the admins at
- UT-Austin, and is subject to going away at any time - and especially if
- forgeries and other net.abuses become a problem. You have been warned.
- A Few Words on Crossposting
- ===========================
- Please do not crosspost messages to two or more groups unless there is genuine
- interest in both groups in the topic being discussed, and when you do, please
- include a header line of the form "Followup-To: group.name" in your article's
- headers (before the first blank line). This will cause followups to your
- article to go to the group listed in the Followup-To: line. If you wish
- to have replies to go to you by email, rather than be posted, use the word
- "poster" instead of the name of a group. Such a line appears in the headers
- of this article.
- One of the few examples of productive cross-posting is with the rec.radio.info
- newsgroup. To provide a filtered presentation of information articles, while
- still maintaining visibility in their home newsgroups, the moderator strongly
- encourages cross-posting. All information articles should be submitted to the
- rec.radio.info moderator so that he may simultaneously cross-post your
- information to the appropriate newsgroups. Most newsreaders will only present
- the article once, and network bandwidth is conserved since only one article is
- propagated. If you make regular informational postings, and have made
- arrangements with the moderator to post directly to the group, please
- cross-post as appropriate.
- --
- Jay Maynard, EMT-P, K5ZC, PP-ASEL | Never ascribe to malice that which can
- jmaynard@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu | adequately be explained by stupidity.
- "If my car ran OS/2, it'd be there by now" -- bumper sticker
- GCS d++ p+ c++ l+ m+/- s/++ g++ w++ t+ r
- --
- 73, Paul W. Schleck, KD3FU
- pschleck@unomaha.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Mar 1994 17:51:37 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!galaxy.ucr.edu!library.ucla.edu!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!emory!swrinde!sgiblab!cs.uoregon.edu!usenet.ee.pdx.edu!fastrac.llnl.gov!cronkite.nersc.gov!Greg.Chartrand@network.ucsd.
- Subject: Icom 737 CW Filter Switching Mod.
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- CW Filter Switching Modification for the Icom 737
- The Icom 737 is a wonderful radio for CW operation, but I did not like
- the filtering switching options offered in normal operation of the
- radio when
- you have installed BOTH the 9 Mhz and 455 Khz optional CW filters. The
- default option is to use the SSB filter for CW in the CW mode, and then
- switch in BOTH the 9 Mhz and 455 Khz optional IF filters in the CW-N
- mode. This provides too broad a filter for general tuning in CW, and
- the CW-N mode (with the two filters in) is far too sharp for just
- tuning around.
- I felt that it would be better to allow the 455 Khz filter to be
- functioning full time in the CW mode, and then switch in the 9 Mhz CW
- filter
- in the CW-N mode. The following simple modification only requires a
- single
- wire to added to the radio.
- 1) Remove the top/bottom cover of the radio as per the manual.
- 2) Position the radio facing you and locate the resistor R-323 which
- is
- simply labeled "323" on the PC board just to the left of the opional
- 455 Khz
- CW filter. Solder a wire to the end of R-323 which is closest to the
- front
- pannel.
- 3) Locate J-3 just above and to the right of the 9 Mhz filter F-13.
- Attach a wire to the connector or wire going to pin 7. Pin 7 is the
- third pin
- from the right. (The pins are numbered 1-9 from left to right) You may
- carefully tack solder a wire to the plug by removing it first. I used a
- solid 28 gauge wire and just pushed it into the connector without
- soldering.
- 4) Replace the top and bottom covers.
- I'm happy with the function of this modified switching arrangement.
- The
- CW-N function is now the mode of last resort when going after the weak
- ones,
- or when the QRM gets out of control, and tuning with just the 455 Khz
- filter
- is a better than using the SSB filter.
- Good luck! 73's
- Greg Chartrand
- ________________________________________________________________________
- ___
- Pin 7 of J3
- _________
- |ooooooooo|
- I
- ____________ I_
- | F13 | |
- |____________| |
- |
- ____________ |
- | CW FILTER | |
- |____________| |
- |
- |
- |
- | I ------------
- | _ | CW
- |
- New wire >| R-323 | | | FILTER
- |
- | - ------------
- --------|
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Mar 1994 12:57:20 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!galaxy.ucr.edu!library.ucla.edu!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!news.umbc.edu!eff!news.kei.com!yeshua.marcam.com!charnel!olivea!news.bu.edu!mdibella@@
- Subject: ICOM IC-728 MODS?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- does anyone happen to know if there are any mods available for the IC-728??
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Mar 1994 09:18:40 -0500
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!library.ucla.edu!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!howland.reston.ans.net!newsserver.jvnc.net!yale.edu!noc.near.net!genrad.com!genrad.com!not-for-mail@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Macintosh Amateur Radio Software - January 1994
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Please note one important discrepancy with this list:
- Concerning the Hamstacks that I wrote. They are still available via
- ftp and various other public domain outlets. However, I can no longer
- send a diskette with the Hamstacks on them. Why you ask? Cuz I no
- longer have a Macintosh computer. SORRY.
- Diana
- --
- ->Diana L. Carlson dls@genrad.com Ham: KC1SP (Sweet Pea) <-
- ->GenRad, 300 Baker Ave MS/1, Concord, MA 01742 (508)369-4400 x2459 <-
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Mar 1994 13:21:57 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!library.ucla.edu!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!news.umbc.edu!haven.umd.edu!cville-srv.wam.umd.edu!ham@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: need extra class book and tape recommendation
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- >I bought the ARRL book. Can't give a recommendation for tapes though, I
- >am trying to use Super Morse. Still haven't passed 1b or 1c yet.
- >
- Tapes, schmapes. If you have a radio, either:
- 1) Get on the air. Nothing boosts your speed like actually conversing in
- Morse code.
- 2) Look in QST for W1AW code practice schedule. The text is right out of
- QST, it's sent perfectly, and gets you used to just copying plain text.
- Remember, there's nothing stopping you from making TAPES of W1AW! A couple
- of hours of new stuff every day!
- --
- 73, _________ _________ The
- \ / Long Original
- Scott Rosenfeld Amateur Radio NF3I Burtonsville, MD | Live $5.00
- WAC-CW/SSB WAS DXCC - 125 QSLed on dipoles __________| Dipoles! Antenna!
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 15 Mar 1994 15:07:14 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!news.moneng.mei.com!uwm.edu!fnnews.fnal.gov!att-in!cbnewsm!hellman@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: noise blankers
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- > Well, as the guy who first called the Ten Tec noise blanker a decorative
- > knob... I'd like you all to know I happily sold my TS-440s and kept the
- > Corsair because the Corsair was a much, much better, functional RADIO!
- >
- > Now if THAT doesn't stir the pot... nothing will.
- >
- > 73 paul wb8zjl
- Without dipping into that pot, the need for a noise blanker has nothing
- to do with the rest of the RADIO! Occasionally, and fortunately for
- only short periods, external pulsed noise appears and my noise blanker
- is very effective. I thought you asked if they were of any use.
- If you never needed one, consider yourself fortunate. If yours didn't
- work, at least the rest of your RADIO works well.
- Shel Darack WA2UBK
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 15 Mar 1994 15:26:21 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!emory!cs.utk.edu!stc06r.CTD.ORNL.GOV!fnnews.fnal.gov!att-in!cbnewsm!hellman@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: noise blankers
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- >
- > Kenwood for years has been pulling the game of adding noise to the front
- > end and cutting off the lowend audio response so the radio "sounds hot".
- >
- I looked all over for the "smiley" but I can't find it. Was that supposed
- to be a serious analysis?
- I prefer bass response too, and I get it from my TS 440. I use the IF shift
- to tailor the audio response to my preference. Try it.
- 73 Shel Darack
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Mar 1994 15:37:08 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!news.cs.columbia.edu!mix-cs!popovich@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: noise blankers
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- > Without dipping into that pot, the need for a noise blanker has nothing
- > to do with the rest of the RADIO! Occasionally, and fortunately for
- > only short periods, external pulsed noise appears and my noise blanker
- > is very effective. I thought you asked if they were of any use.
- > If you never needed one, consider yourself fortunate. If yours didn't
- > work, at least the rest of your RADIO works well.
- Well, the noise blanker on the old Kenwood TS-830S is definitely a
- "decorative knob". No matter how much I twiddle the one our club has,
- it doesn't do a thing about the static crashes on 40 and 80 meters at
- night. Isn't that the kind of noise they're supposed to be FOR?
- -Steve
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Mar 94 02:40:00 GMT
- From: news-mail-gateway@ucsd.edu
- Subject: subscribe
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- subscribe
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 15 Mar 1994 13:16:14 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!emory!wa4mei!ke4zv!gary@network.ucsd.edu
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <2lor4d$krj@brahms.udel.edu>, <1994Mar11.135613.16379@ke4zv.atl.ga.us>, <1994Mar14.172552.7310@kocrsv01.delcoelect.com>
- Reply-To : gary@ke4zv.atl.ga.us (Gary Coffman)
- Subject : Re: Best cars for mobile HF/VHF??
- In article <1994Mar14.172552.7310@kocrsv01.delcoelect.com> c2xjcb@kocrsv01.delcoelect.com (James Bach) writes:
- >
- >BTW:
- >Not to make this a big sale pitch for GM, but we do a LOT of RFI
- >testing on our cars to make sure that they neither corrupt nor get
- >corrupted by ham rigs. Stop by the GM booth at the Dayton HamVention
- >and we can talk some more . . .
- And GM deserves a big attaboy for their efforts at controlling EMI.
- Most GM vehicles I've owned have been very good radio platforms. And
- as another plug for Delco, my shop radio is a junkyard Delco that's
- been running and running and running for over 20 years with no problems.
- It sounds better than most so called HiFi systems. Now if GM could only
- make decent bucket seats like the old 65 Stratoline seats.....
- Gary
- Gary
- --
- Gary Coffman KE4ZV | You make it, | gatech!wa4mei!ke4zv!gary
- Destructive Testing Systems | we break it. | uunet!rsiatl!ke4zv!gary
- 534 Shannon Way | Guaranteed! | emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary
- Lawrenceville, GA 30244 | |
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 15 Mar 1994 14:35:08 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!usc!cs.utexas.edu!swrinde!emory!wa4mei!ke4zv!gary@network.ucsd.edu
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <CMM3ro.BLM@world.std.com>, <1994Mar14.134950.1991@ke4zv.atl.ga.us>, <CMnzL4.5wx@newshub.ccs.yorku.ca>
- Reply-To : gary@ke4zv.UUCP (Gary Coffman)
- Subject : Re: Diesel or Taurus fr HF/VHF mobile??
- In article <CMnzL4.5wx@newshub.ccs.yorku.ca> edleslie@apogee.ccs.yorku.ca (Ed Leslie) writes:
- >Gary Coffman (gary@ke4zv.atl.ga.us) wrote:
- >: systems disconnected, it still made the pseudo-ignition noise. The best
- >: guess we could come up with was that the plasma formed by combustion was
- >: somehow shock exciting something and causing it to radiate. We considered
- >: static discharges due to the rotating machinery, but we bonded *everything*,
- >: including finger stock on the crank and cam, and on the injection pump
- >: cam, and we put anti-static brushes on the clutch, all without making it
- >: go away.
- >
- >For a wild shot, could there have been a Piezo-electric (sp?) effect taking
- >place with the ignitors or some such thing (i.e. the shock wave from
- >combustion causing a piezo-electric discharge)?
- Good guess, but we disconnected the glow plugs as one of our first
- steps.
- Gary
- --
- Gary Coffman KE4ZV | You make it, | gatech!wa4mei!ke4zv!gary
- Destructive Testing Systems | we break it. | uunet!rsiatl!ke4zv!gary
- 534 Shannon Way | Guaranteed! | emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary
- Lawrenceville, GA 30244 | |
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #292
- ******************************
- ******************************